

Lima, also known as the city of Kings, is the capital of Peru. It is the country’s commercial and industrial center and is home to a third of the country’s population.

This city has become an international culinary reference due to the richness and diversity of its cuisine, fusing ancient cooking traditions with contemporary innovations.

As a sister city to Callao, Lima isn’t a stranger in dealing with tough neighborhoods or dangerous populations. It was only natural for Coprodeli to extender its reach into Lima when it was founded.

During that time in Lima was that there was famine and disease and the icing on the cake, no governmental organization coordinating or mobilizing resources to help those most in need.

Having recognized this Coprodeli saw a need to train people in a trade and this is when Coprodeli Employment and Job Training Program line was developed.

Coprodeli's Initiative in Lima

3 schools
Cristo Sacerdote, Santa Cruz, San Luis Gonzaga

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