Child Sponsorship: Be the Stable Source of Hope for a Child!

Understanding Child Sponsorships
When you become a child's sponsor, you become their stable, unwavering source of hope and opportunity. Children in Coprodeli's Padrino Child Sponsorship Program are those facing significant challenges, often stemming from rough home lives and adverse conditions, including domestic, sexual, or psychological abuse, unstable living situations, and extreme poverty.
How Sponsorship Works
Sponsorship covers the costs associated with overhead. In Coprodeli, public school teachers are compensated until 1:30pm, but Coprodeli Schools run until 4pm. Thus, keeping a student in school and off the streets until 4pm means covering the costs of teacher labor, nourishment and tutoring or psychologica support, depending on the students living situation.
At Coprodeli Outreach Centers, the dynamic has the same concept of an after-school center. Students arrive after classes are immediately nourished, which is followed homework reinforcement by Outreach Center coordinators and, as with Coprodeli students, they too receive tutoring or phycological support, depending on their living situation.
Sponsorship works by covering those overhead costs. Costs that would normally be passed on to the students’ parents or guardian, but becomes a burden they aren’t able to afford because they live in poverty or extreme poverty.

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better world, today.