Coprodeli USA Celebrates 15 Years!


Coprodeli USA Celebrates Its 15th Anniversary - Today!

May 5, 2014
Coprodeli USA Celebrates 15 Years!

Coprodeli USA Celebrates Its 15th Anniversary - Today!

On when & why Coprodeli USA was founded

Coprodeli USA was established as a nonprofit organization on May 5, 1999 by Thomas McDonald after he spent five months working with children in Callao, Peru. He was inspired by Padre Miguel's passion for working toward a more just Peru so he started the USA branch of the organization to provide additional support to the extensive Peru programs.  

On how we've evolved over the years

Originating in Chicago, Coprodeli USA began as a group of dedicated volunteers - friends of Thomas - that were passionate about our mission. The passion never subsided as we evolved to become more strategic. Over time, Coprodeli USA grew from dedicated volunteers, to an organized board, to various full time staff members and a robust intern program. We grew our programs and support from receiving in-kind donations and financial support, to holding many events and volunteer trips, to child sponsorships and building strategic partnerships. Over time, we grew to have Coprodeli hotspots in Chicago, DC, and we now have supporters, staff, and long-term volunteers in both the U.S. and Peru! We are continually working to expand the Coprodeli network and reach out to more people and organizations interested in our mission.

On Coprodeli USA's successes & our incredible support network

Coprodeli USA's success in contributing to the sustainable development of many Peruvian communities in the past 15 years is undeniable - we have secured various financial donors, humanitarian aid collaborators, and wonderful volunteers that have led to a range of strategic projects, programs, and initiatives throughout the years.

We'd like to thank all of our dedicated supporters, both old and new alike, for your incredible dedication, shared passion, and understanding in the importance of enabling holistic and sustainable programs and services in Peru that improve the lives of those in impoverished communities. It is because of your support that Coprodeli USA has been able to provide such strategic and rich support for Coprodeli Peru's programs throughout the past 15 years, and we hope we can continue to build on our past successes to provide even greater, more strategic support moving forward.  Thank you for all of your support - be it through volunteering, giving financially, attending our events, sponsoring a child, or donating to our cause otherwise. We hope to have you as part of the Coprodeli family well into the future!

Let's take a trip down memory lane!

                                                        A flashback to the first Coprodeli USA gathering in Chicago.

As we reflect over the last 15 years, we asked our long-time supporters and board members to share some of their favorite Coprodeli USA memories. One of our board members, Marty Kenahan, shared a few of hers. Our favorite? An eye-opening memory of a trip to Peru in 2005. Marty was organizing the first intern class in Peru  when she decided to make a t-shirt quilt for Padre Miguel and Coprodeli. While in the process of collecting shirts with various Coprodeli designs and logos, Marty came across a man in Pachacutec with a Coprodeli shirt that they had not seen before.

"I told him about the shirt collection for the quilt and he immediately took the shirt off and gave it to me.  I was so touched by the fact that someone living in a shantytown with so few resources was such a great admirer of Padre Miguel that he would literally give the shirt off his back to show his appreciation."

Another favorite memory is from the summer of 2004 when a group of Coprodeli supporters from South America, North America and Europe all got together to walk 150 kilometers as part of Spain's Camino de Santiago. They trekked through various terrain and climates but learned a great deal from the journey by sharing it with pilgrims from all over the world. The group was able to raise $80,000 in Coprodeli's name through donations based on the number of miles they walked.

"Padre Miguel taught us a great deal about the history of the old pilgrimage tradition which involved prayer, suffering and almsgiving. We prayed together at a 600 year old Benedictine monastery where we spent one night with the monks who prayed throughout the day and night."

Thank you, Marty, for sharing your wonderful memories with us!

Do you have any favorite Coprodeli USA memories? Share them with us on Facebook or Twitter.

Coprodeli USA

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